1 year energy equiv to 2,900+ years of coal mining at current annual 7.9 BILLION tonnes production
1 year energy equiv. to 13,700+ nuclear plants 1 year energy
no mining, no waste
Absorbing the Earths Energy to Power
For sustainable future
CiRN Coin with historic iron and uranium deposit assets
Uniswap v3
CiRN with 2.5 trillion tokens issued and 1 trillion mineable tokens, only mineable by every CiRN holder of a minimum of 10 million CiRN tokens.
CiRN Token address Etherscan, and Uniswap, soon on BEP20
AiRDRoP available also, CiRN to ETH exchange 1ETH equivalent = 1,200 CiRN
CiRN filing patent for Uranium Battery for use in vehicles, semitrucks, ships, airplanes, spaceships, and the Uranium battery may break the speed of light. Battery sizes range from 75kwh to 24,000,000kwh and larger!
Historic Gold mine acquired 11-07-2021 with high historic gold values, including 1852, 1 pound 11 ounce gold chunk which lead to Canadian, American, British gold rush until local Haida nation warriors stopped the pillaging. Underground work in 1900's-1950's. Any gold found will be used as gold nanomaterial and gold nanobot technology for electricity generation, as well as anode or cathode for ionization plant.
CiRN working to utilizing insitu resources near population centers as insitu flow batteries, iron flow batteries and uranium flow batteries with resulting utility fees and energy distribution payments from the clean flow batteries energy production to be made in CiRN only.
The iron flow batteries have been proven to work by third parties, the uranium flow batteries are still theoretical in nature, both resources flow batteries have not yet been proven to be workable while insitu.
Alternatively, research and implementation also into Stanford and Cambridge Universities discoveries in 2011 with ionization of Uranium to generate electricity and/or Uranium gamma rays feeding Silicon solar panels to generate electricity.
As well research into implementing nanobot technology utilizing one or both of the methods of ionization or gamma ray from insitu Uranium resources to generate electricity. This research reported in 2008, discussed the success of gold nanoparticles converting Uranium radiation to electricity. Nanobot technology would utilize billions of billions nanobots on insitu Uranium resource to produce electricity for the half life duration of 4.5 billion years. IF successful the Uranium insitu resource has a half life of 4,5 billion years and will be patented technology. Gold nanomaterial in 1 meter would consist of 1 billion particles, in a square meter the amount of uranium energy absorbing gold nanomaterial in a square meter is 1 billion squared, in 1 cubic meter that gold nanomaterial would be 1 billion cubed.
Not only is the material absorbing natural Uranium dissipation but, the Uranium remains in the ground, and the natural radiation emitted 24/7, 365 days a year for 4.5 billion years will be captured to power.
No need to mine the Uranium, no major surface disruption, and no enriched Uranium required to power, just the natural Uranium dissipation that has been captured by Geiger Counter since the invention of the Geiger Counter in 1908.
This setup would also avoid mining.
A battery has an anode and a cathode, just as the Geiger counter.
This is how Geiger counter works, from this link , A Geiger counter (Geiger-Muller tube) is a device used for the detection and measurement of all types of radiation: alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Basically it consists of a pair of electrodes surrounded by a gas. The electrodes have a high voltage across them. The gas used is usually Helium or Argon. When radiation enters the tube it can ionize the gas. The ions (and electrons) are attracted to the electrodes and an electric current is produced. This is the first paragraph, the important part is "...electric current is produced.", that collected will be the CiRN project if this method used to create electricity from the in-situ Uranium, a 4.5 Billion continous dissipating resource.
This CiRN technology will be convertible to the current known space ships being developed but also to the new patented spaceships that were recently patented by US NAVY. Soon, not only will CiRN be ABSORBING THE EARTHS ENERGY but also ABSORBING THE UNIVERSES ENERGY TO POWER.
iRon Assets purchased from TESLA METALS, with TESLA METALS LTD. retaining the right to mine the Zone De La Baie for a 25% Gross Royalty, and CiRN retaining the 75% Gross Royalty.
CiRN owns historic reported iron resource in Central Quebec near tidewater, Nunavut title covering the Zone De La Baie Iron Deposit Proven Reserves of 114,245,000, as per the following published information Les ressources mesurées et indiquées sont estimées à 244,921 Mt à 32,5 % Fe (Mesurées : 115,150 Mt à 32,7 % Fe, Indiquées : 129,771 Mt à 32,5 % Fe) et les ressources présumées sont estimées à 9,424 Mt à 33,5 % Fe calculées à une teneur de coupure de 25 % Fe. Les réserves prouvées et probables sont estimées à 239,750 Mt à 32,6 % Fe (Prouvées : 114,245 Mt à 32,8 % Fe, Probables : 125,505 Mt à 32,5 % Fe. (19 septembre 2012) (Rapport technique NI 43-101 déposé sur SEDAR le 2 novembre 2012). Les réserves prouvées sont évaluées à 60200000 tonnes longues titrant 35,9 % Fe (GM 32134). Quebec Titles the Zone Synclinal Deposit probable reserves reported at 101,600,000 tonnes at a grade of 36% Iron .
CiRN owns 100% of 3 historic Uranium deposits in Quebec near population centers and 17 historic Uranium assets located in Saskatchewan purchased for 1 Trillion CiRN.
17 historic Uranium occurrences located in Northern Saskatchewan discovered in the early 1950's during the Uranium exploration boom, all located west of URANIUM CITY.
Saskatchewan has several producing Uranium mines and historic mines in the Athabasca Basin, which encompasses this northern part of the Basin,
The 17 historic Uranium occurrences consist of several with historic counts per second discoveries and surface discoveries, these include two seperate occurrences with grab samples of 5+% Uranium, another with 15,000 counts per second surface material, another with 5000 counts per second surface material, and several with historic drill intercepts of Uranium upto 0.93% U3O8.
CiRN technology, if proven successful by research, will simply absorb the current Uranium natural dissipation and convert that daily occurring natural phenomenon and convert to electricity, without mining or developing the Uranium resources. At the moment only combined research from different sources reported over the past 15 years has been gathered and CiRN will be developing the technology using the combined knowledge currently existing.
Iron and Uranium for a greener sustainable earth.
CiRN Token address 0xab8e67a974762a7679f03dd67d1352dfd019aa1f
CSE-GEMS with coal application on 700+ million thermal coal deposit 3km from BC highway, world's largest undeveloped thermal coal deposit.